About Us

Privacy Policy

Privacy is taken very seriously at Showyourphotos.com and that's why Showyourphotos.com is committed to protecting the privacy and security of its online visitors.
The only information we collect is that what you knowingly submit to us when you register a product. We will not sell or make any customer information available to anyone.

Online Orders
Online orders are processed through SWREG®, the oldest online software store in the world and in existence since 1987.

Photo Resizer Pro, CactusView, Adwords Exact File Resizer, Photo Album, Photo Resizer and Photos Manager are the registered products of Show Your Photos.com.

ShowYourPhotos.com is the property of Pieter Hendrik Henning.

Physical and Postal address:
20 De Villiers street
Strand 7140
South Africa
Please click here to contact us via email.